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This 6 Days (5 Nights) Uganda safari leads you to Kibale Forest, Queen Elizabeth National Park and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. On this guided safari, you will enjoy gorilla trekking in Bwindi, chimpanzee tracking in Kibale and game viewing in one of Uganda’s best national parks.

Trip Itinerary

Day 1: Kampala – Kibale Forest National Park

Depart from Kampala at 6:00am and head towards western Uganda. Kibale National Park. Kibale is Kibale national Park has the highest concentration and variety of primates in East Africa with 13 species and overall 60 mammal species and so far offers the best excellent chimpanzee tracking in Uganda. . Later take a guided nature walk to Bigodi swamp sanctuary, a good site for birders before you Dine and sleep in Ndali Lodge/Primate lodge (Luxury) /Chimps Nest (budget) HB

Day 2: Chimp tracking

After morning breakfast, wake up early to track chimps near Kanyanchu. This can take you half a day. There are primates in the area like the golden monkey, L’Hoest monkey, baboons, white and black Colobus monkeys, grey checked mangabey, red Colobus, blue monkeys and pottos. Other animals involve forest elephants unique from the common type, giant forest hogs and a striking tree species. Travel to Queen Elizabeth National Park. Dinner and overnight at Mweya Safari Lodge / Ihamba Safari Lodge

Day 3: Game drive – Launch cruise

Before sunrise you will go for a game drive in the pack to search for predator and nocturnal dwellers as they return to their hide outs. Expect species such as Elephants, buffaloes, side stripped jackals, hyena, leopards, Lions, warthogs, Uganda Kobs, Giant forest Hogs to mention. After the game drive you will drive back to your lodge for breakfast as you wait for the afternoon launch cruise. After lunch take a 2-hour launch cruise on the Kazinga channel. This waterway joins Lakes Edward and George and it is filled with schools of hippos, buffaloes with elephants at the banks. Retire to the lodge for dinner and over night.

Day 4: The drive will take you through the Ishasha sector famous for tree-climbing lions and other game enroute.

Day 5: Gorilla trekking and afternoon community walk

Very early in the morning after an early breakfast and guides briefing, set off for your Gorilla tracking activity in the forests of Bwindi. Gorilla tracking can be strenuous. You will need to carry a packed lunch, drinking water, wear comfortable waterproof boots or jungle shoes suitable for steep muddy slopes. Come with ear plugs for those who feel uncomfortable with jungle sounds and also come with a rain jacket. Walking sticks will be made available for those that require one by the park rangers. If you have the afternoon free, you may decide to take a guided walk on the Munyanga River trail, which is an ideal short walk or take a guided village walk to see how Ugandan live. Dinner and overnight stay at Gorilla forest camp/mahogany springs/Buhoma lodge for luxury Option/Buhoma Community bandas/Wagtail eco lodge/Gift of nature lodge for budget option.

Day 6: Travel Back to Kampala

Transfer back to Kampala with a stopover at Mbarara where you can take lunch. A brief stop at the Equator allows time for photographs. The journey affords images from the vehicle of the long horned Ankole cattle, the rolling hills and terraced landscapes of the region and beautiful panoramas that are part of Kabale District.  Drive direct to the park and arrive late evening. continue to Kampala arriving late evening which marks the end of the end of trip.

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